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This privacy statement concerns the company Livsstilshjelpen AS (hereby referred to as “LH”) and how the company collects personal information about you, and how these personal data are used and shared. Use of LH’s services on, as well as use of LH’s external portals, tools, digital support system such as Confrere and patient record system from EG Hano takes place in accordance with the provisions in this privacy statement.

This privacy statement is meant to help you as a user of LH and its services to understand what personal data we collect, why we collect personal data, how they are used by us and what rights you have as a user.

1. 1. Responsibility

LH is the data controller for the company’s processing of personal data, including processing of personal data that takes place on the website

If you as a customer have questions about privacy at LH, this can be directed to:

2. 2. Personal data we collect and how we process personal data that is collected.

We collect your personal data to provide our services, and to make our services useful to you.

LH processes personal data about individuals in the following cases:

2.1 Users who order / buy services at

When ordering / purchasing services at, LH will process the following personal data: full name, date of birth and personal number, phone number, address, email, password (for logging in to LH’s patient system), card and payment information.

The information provided by individuals in connection with ordering of services on, will be used I order to deliver the agreed service.

The legal basis for processing personal data in this occasion is:

GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter b), if the personal data are collected as a necessary part of entering into a binding agreement between LH and individuals, about the purchase of specific products and / or services,

and the main rule on consent to health care in the patient and user rights law, cf. also GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter a), and GDPR article 9 no. 2 letter a), if the personal data are collected as part of providing health care that is ordered by individuals.

2.1.1 Booking of private consultation

When booking a private consultation and logging in to the patient system that LH uses, bankID is used by both you as a user and by LH. BankID is also used when logging in to video consultation by both parties.

When booking a private consultation via LH’s patient system, LH will process the following personal data: full name, phone number, address, email address, password (for logging in to LH’s patient system), date of birth and personal number, card and payment information that is used in connection with booking of consultation.

Information provided in connection with the consultation itself and processing of this information is subject to the Regulations on patient record (patient record regulations). LH is also regulated by the confidentiality cf. Patient and User Rights Act §3-6. Right to protection against dissemination of information.

The legal basis for processing personal data in this occasion is the main rule on consent to health care in the patient and user rights law, cf. . also GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter a), and GDPR article 9 no. 2 letter a).

2.1.2 Booking of courses and lectures

When booking courses and lectures, LH collects personal data such as full name, email address, and comments that may be given in free text, in connection with the request (it is not required to enter information of a personal nature in the contact form).

LH also collect card and payment information that is used in connection with payment of the course / lecture.

The information provided by individuals in connection with booking of courses and lectures, will be used to register and facilitate the person’s participation.

The legal basis for processing personal data in this occasion is GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter b.

2.1.3 Visitors to who do not order the services via the website, but use the contact form

Personal data in this context means email address and full name, as well as remark / comment that may be entered in free text, in the contact form (it is not necessary to enter information of a personal nature in the contact form).

Inquiries through the contact form and / or an email request to are stored digitally. Only selected authorized persons have access to handle the inquiries The inquiries are deleted as soon as they are processed, and any orders that follow the inquiries are registered in LH’s patient system to be processed further there.

The legal basis for processing personal data in this occasion is GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter a.

2.2 Visitors to LH’s pages

We use cookies to log your use of the website and to customize and improve the content on the website. By visiting our website,, your data is logged, for example when you click on content or perform searches.

See point 6 in this privacy statement, to know more about LH’s use of cookies.

3. 3. Deletion of personal data

LH will delete your personal data when they are no longer necessary for the service we provide to you. LH will not delete information we are required by law to keep for a certain time, for example due to accounting legislation or other applicable laws and regulations.

4. 4. Sharing of information to third parties

LH does not disclose your personal data to third parties, beyond that we at any time must share to be able to deliver our services. To deliver our services, we use data processors who process personal data only according to LH’s instructions, NORMEN and / or the EU’s data protection regulation, GDPR. You can read more here:


NORMEN: Normen –

When visiting outside LH’s website (s), such as LH’s Facebook and Instagram page, own settings apply for cookies. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with these as these are settings outside LH’s control.

Third parties

Information processed

State/country of processing: (i) Norway, (ii) EU/EEA, (iii) outside EU/EEA

Link to GDPR, data-processing agreement


EGHano Full name, address, telephone number, social security number, e-mail, payment details, health information EU / EEA EG




Full name, telephone number, IP address, video solution and microphone



LH has its customer relationship here. Vipps, debit and credit cards

Full name, telephone number, payment details



Other financial institutions

Full name, telephone number, payment details


Full name, social security number, BankID




Fiken Accounting on behalf of LH EU / EEA Fiken



Devold Consulting-regnskapsfører

Accounting data

Devold Consulting

Guru Utvikling

Supplier of LH’s website. IP address, full name, e-mail


Guru Utvikling


Pro ISP AS LH’s host of webhotell and domain name



Primary health care

If multidisciplinary health care is needed due to the complexity in the user’s health situation, these data may be shared after clarifying with the patient: Full name, phone number, address, health information


Specialist health care

If multidisciplinary health care is needed due to the complexity in the user’s health situation, these data may be shared after clarifying with the patient: Full name, phone number, address, health information


Other health professionals, public and private

If multidisciplinary health care is needed due to the complexity in the user’s health situation, these data may be shared after clarifying with the patient: Full name, phone number, address, health information


Kindergarten, School, After-school Care

If multidisciplinary health care is needed due to the complexity in the user’s health situation, these data may be shared after clarifying with the patient: Full name, phone number, address, health information



IP adress

*Outside EU/EEA

See *note


IP adress

*Outside EU/EEA

See *note


IP adress

*Outside EU/EEA

See *note


IP adress

*Outside EU/EEA

See *note


Ip address, full name, e-mail, address, phone number

*Outside EU/EEA

See *note

google analytics

IP adress

*Outside EU/EEA

See *note

* On July the 10 Of 2023, the US received an adequacy decision that means that if an American company is on the list of approved companies under the “Data Privacy Framework List”, personal data can be transferred to it as if it were a European company

The third parties Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google (including YouTube) are subject to and certified in accordance with the transfer basis, Data Privacy Framework (DPF) Program, see hyperlinks below:

5. 5. Your Rights

As a user of the services of LH, you have the right to access the personal data that we process about you and information about how they are processed. You can also request correction, deletion and limitations in the processing of personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Act.

Requests are directed to:

If you believe that LH has not complied with your rights in accordance with the Personal Data Act, you have the right to complain to the relevant supervisory authority. This is done by sending a complaint to “Datatilsynet”.

6. 6. Cookies

Cookies and tracking of user behavior are used on for the following purposes:

6.1. 6.1. Analyze traffic on with Google Analytics

On it may be relevant to use the analysis tool Google Analytics to create an overall picture of how users use the website. . Google Analytics uses cookies to collect information in an anonymous way (aggregated) about how visitors use the website. Examples of information that can be stored are number of page views, how the visitors found the website, and number of visits. The purpose is to help us increase the user-friendliness on the website. The information that is created during your visit is sent to and stored by Google Inc.

It may be relevant to use data from Google Analytics to analyze traffic to articles and purchase process for products, such as courses and lectures. Data from Google Analytics can also be used for among other things to analyze how many are looking for health-related articles, measurements of page views.

The IP address of the users is used to locate the position, but cannot be made available or linked to other data collected in Google Analytics.

6.2. 6.2. Advertising on Facebook or Google

To be able to provide targeted ads for example courses on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, uses cookies and associated tracking to be able to target ads to the target groups we believe will be most appropriate to advertise to. In this way, we do not send out ads to all random users on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, but direct the ads directly to those we think the ads will be relevant for. With these tracking, we can also exclude ads for users who we do not think the ads will be relevant for.

6.3. 6.3. Other cookies for also uses cookies for online shopping functionality on the pages, such as remembering returning customers.

Cookies are also used to make the technical platform work as best as possible (that the traffic is directed to the correct servers through the entire session).

6.4 How to avoid cookies?

If you want cookies to be rejected, you can change the settings in the browser so that you either block cookies from being downloaded automatically, or that you get a choice to download each individual cookie. Cookies that have been downloaded earlier can also be deleted by the browser. For more information, see the documentation for the relevant browser.

Regardless of your settings in the browser, you will when you visit our website be asked (by a pop-up), if you want to consent to use of cookies for the purposes stated under this point 6, and / or in a pop-up view.

7. 7. Changes to this privacy statement

LH reserves the right to adjust and adapt this privacy statement. If changes of significance are made to this privacy statement, the user will be informed in writing through our services about this in advance.

Last updated: January 2, 2024