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About me

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Bildet viser daglig leder i Livsstilshjelpen Silvia Tatjana Harung

About Livsstilshjelpen

My motivation for starting Livsstilshjelpen is to strengthen the focus on preventive health work, and to give people motivation and tools for improving their own health. In Norway we are very good at intensive health care but have a lot to gain from “being ahead” and preventing more serious illness to occur. My goal is to give people faith in themselves and their own resources. It is important that people get awareness and knowledge on how they can prevent illness and improve quality of life and health when illness occurs. In today’s health care many people have trouble getting help. Among them are people who struggle with overweight and eating disorders, people with chronic low energy and people who struggle with depression and mental illness. For many of these people, the key is to get the attention, the acknowledgement and the possibility to have individual follow up over time.

I believe that the importance of a healthy diet, activity and the good habits are not communicated well in today’s health care. Many health issues and disorders could have been prohibited and avoided if only focused on to a greater extent. Fasting as a method is an effective tool for those who struggle with overweight, and fasting in combination with medication, a healthy diet, activity and enough rest is a holistic view and treatment method for overweight that is used to a greater extent now than before. Food and an individually based diet are also a powerful tool for increasing quality of life, and for several health problems, such an approach can replace the need of medications.

About me as the founder of the company. I am a trained physiotherapist from Bergen and have a further education in overweight from NTNU. In addition, I have taken an education as an economist from the University of Bergen, University of Oslo and NTNU with specialization and a master’s degree in health. I have an education as a dietary counselor from Tunsberg Medical School. I believe in the power of seeing all the different aspects of the people who seek help, using enough time to get all the different health aspects on the table.

I see myself as a bridge between traditional medicine and the treatment methods in Functional medicine. Only looking at the symptoms, and not the underlying causes of disease and health issues, is why we do not succeed in helping people to a better health. Today many people unfortunately experience to get little or no help, and this has consequences for individuals, families, working life and the society.

I have always been interested in food, exercise and health, and this became even clearer when I became a mother for the first time. Today I am lucky to have three kids. I experience every day how incredibly important it is to eat healthy, to exercise and to keep my body and mind in shape, to prioritize sleep and to focus on stress management. The life with three small kids is incredibly rewarding and at the same time incredibly demanding. The importance of taking care of both myself, the family and the little ones is a very important job. I live as I preach, obviously because I believe in the principles. I have a lot of self-experience from exercise and rehabilitation after countless injuries and to use food and fasting as part of the treatment. I have also experienced how difficult it is to get help when considered “too healthy”, and this has also motivated me to help people in similar situations.

Min historie

.My motivation for starting Livsstilshjelpen is to strengthen the focus on preventive health work, and to give people motivation and tools for improving their own health. In Norway we are very good at intensive health care but have a lot to gain from “being ahead” and preventing more serious illness to occur. My goal is to give people faith in themselves and their own resources. It is important that people get awareness and knowledge on how they can prevent illness and improve quality of life and health when illness occurs. . In today’s health care many people have trouble getting help. Among them are people who struggle with overweight and eating disorders, people with chronic low energy and people who struggle with depression and mental illness. For many of these people, the key is to get the attention, the acknowledgement and the possibility to have individual follow up over time.

I believe that the importance of a healthy diet, activity and the good habits are not communicated well in today’s health care. Many health issues and disorders could have been prohibited and avoided if only focused on to a greater extent. Fasting as a method is an effective tool for those who struggle with overweight, and fasting in combination with medication, a healthy diet, activity and enough rest is a holistic view and treatment method for overweight that is used to a greater extent now than before Food and an individually based diet are also a powerful tool for increasing quality of life, and for several health problems, such an approach can replace the need of medications.

About me as the founder of the company. I am a trained physiotherapist from Bergen and have a further education in overweight from NTNU In addition, I have taken an education as an economist from the University of Bergen, University of Oslo and NTNU with specialization and a master’s degree in health. I have an education as a dietary counselor from Tunsberg Medical School. I believe in the power of seeing all the different aspects of the people who seek help, using enough time to get all the different health aspects on the table.

I see myself as a bridge between traditional medicine and the treatment methods in Functional medicine. Only looking at the symptoms, and not the underlying causes of disease and health issues, is why we do not succeed in helping people to a better health. Today many people unfortunately experience to get little or no help, and this has consequences for individuals, families, working life and the society.

I have always been interested in food, exercise and health, and this became even clearer when I became a mother for the first time. Today I am lucky to have three kids. I experience every day how incredibly important it is to eat healthy, to exercise and to keep my body and mind in shape, to prioritize sleep and to focus on stress management The life with three small kids is incredibly rewarding and at the same time incredibly demanding. The importance of taking care of both myself, the family and the little ones is a very important job. I live as I preach, obviously because I believe in the principles. I have a lot of self-experience from exercise and rehabilitation after countless injuries and to use food and fasting as part of the treatment. I have also experienced how inadequate the offer is for those of us who are “too healthy” to get help, and this has also motivated me to be able to be a support and help to others who experience the same. I grew up in Bergen as part of a group of four siblings with a mother from a farm in Nordhordaland and a father from Bergen. We were lucky to get a lot of fish for dinner, self-picked berries and berry porridge for dessert. At the weekends we went to the mountains or ran around the fields and meadows while we occasionally looked out to sea and felt the fresh air. I am eternally grateful for a good upbringing and that mum and dad gave me the opportunity to live in a healthy and sustainable way from an early age. These are incredibly important values that I both want to pass on to my children and values that I want to communicate to those who see the need to make changes in their lives to achieve an increased quality of life and health.

Bildet viser daglig leder i Livsstilshjelpen Silvia Tatjana Harung
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Bilde viser Silvia med lue og jakke

Min historie

I have a background as a physiotherapist, health economist and dietitian. I am a mother of 3 and have a great and personal commitment to food, food quality, exercise and physical activity. In addition, I am convinced that there is much that many people can do for themselves in order to have an increased quality of life and better health, regardless of age and starting point.

I have an extra commitment to how we ourselves can influence our lives for the better by taking action and taking control of our own health and life situation. The simplest and best is of course prevention, but at the same time we can make a big difference should injury, illness or other health challenges occur. In such situations it is extra important to be seen and heard, and I have a big heart for this as I myself have experienced how inadequate this part of the healthcare system is.

Bildet viser daglig leder i Livsstilshjelpen Silvia Tatjana Harung