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Silvia has a background as a physiotherapist, health economist and dietitian. She is a mother of 3 and has a great and personal commitment to food, food quality, exercise and physical activity. In addition, she is convinced that there is much that many people can do for themselves in order to have an increased quality of life and better health, regardless of age and starting point.

Silvia has an extra commitment to how we ourselves can influence our lives for the better by taking action and taking control of our own health and life situation. The simplest and best is of course prevention, but at the same time we can make a big difference should injury, illness or other health challenges occur. In such situations, it is extra important to be seen and heard, and Silvia has a big heart for this as she has herself experienced how inadequate this part of the healthcare system is.

Bildet viser daglig leder i Livsstilshjelpen Silvia Tatjana Harung

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