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These terms and conditions (“the terms”), provide the legally binding terms that apply when you use our services on, as well as the use of our external portals, tools, digital support system such as Confrere and patient record system from EG Hano.

Please note that these terms constitute an agreement between you and Livsstilshjelpen AS with the company registration number 931 996 215 (hereinafter “LH”), and the terms define which rights and responsibilities you have when using LH’s services.

It is important that you read and understand the terms By using the service and / or by clicking on “Book appointment”, “I agree” or similar button and / or by using, install, enter or register to the service or the service’s subcontractors you confirm that you have read and understood the terms and all other documents referred to here, including our privacy statement, and that you agree to be bound by these agreements. Your use of the service constitutes your consent to the terms If you do not accept or understand the terms, we recommend that you do not use, install, enter or register to the service (including any software or application that constitutes part of the service).

These terms apply regardless of how you have accessed and / or used LH’s services – whether use is via PC, mobile devices or other platforms.

The service is intended to be used to consult doctors / health professionals and to get advice and help By using the service, you consent to consultations and assessments being performed via remote communication that LH uses In connection with the use of the service, the doctor / health professional might consider that a closer examination, physical and / or psychological, may be necessary. In such cases, the doctor / health professional will recommend that you contact a physical doctor / general practitioner LH support physical consultations if the patient’s health situation or the general situation requires it, e.g if the user is a minor and remote communication is not appropriate. Such consultations will be agreed in the cases where this is relevant and where this is also feasible in terms of location and travel distance.

You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to be able to use the service unless you have specific consent from parents.

You give your consent that you have the right, authority, and ability to accept these terms and comply with them, and that you have read and understood the terms completely and fully without impaired judgment due to (but not limited to) mental illness, intoxication, medication or other health problems or anything that can impair judgment.

Any content that is published on the website or that is otherwise published in the service outside of what constitutes the doctor / health professional consultation, is not intended to replace health care from a doctor or other health professional. This information should only be used as general health information and not seen as a final recommendation to perform a specific action, advice or treatment.

1. 1.Prices

1.1 Prices for private online consultations

The stated price for online consultations on our website, is the total price the user must pay for this service. This price includes all fees and additional costs. Additional costs that LH has not informed about before the purchase; the user must not bear.

1.2 Prices for courses / webinars

The stated price for online courses and / or lectures on our website, is the total price the user must pay for this service. 1.3 Prices for courses / lectures in physical premises Additional costs that LH has not informed about before the purchase; the user must not bear.

1.3 Prices for courses / lectures in physical premises

The stated price for physical courses and / or lectures, on our website, is the price the user must pay to participate in the current physical course / lecture Any travel costs and any costs for accommodation and diet will be added.

1.4. 1.4. Price changes

The prices for online consultations, online courses / lectures and physical courses / lectures, can be adjusted once a year.

The current prices for the services of LH are stated by LH’s prices on the website

2. 2. Cancellation period

2.1 About the right of withdrawal

The ordinary right of withdrawal of 14 days does not apply to health services.

LH still offers a right of withdrawal in accordance with the following (point 2.2 and 2.4).

2.2 Cancellation period for consumers in relation to the purchase of private online consultations

Purchase of private online consultations can be changed and canceled up to 24 hours before agreed consultation If this deadline is not met, the user will be charged 100% of the price for the hour. If the cancellation deadline is met, the reserved amount will be refunded in full to the user’s account. To move or cancel a consultation, send an email to

2.3 Right of withdrawal for consumers in relation to the purchase of online courses / lectures

For single online courses, there is no cancellation right. The courses are booked and paid for on the website. The user gets access to one copy of the presentation in accordance with point 1.2.

2.4 Right of withdrawal for consumers in relation to the purchase of courses in physical premises

For courses and lectures held in physical premises, a cancellation deadline applies to seven (7) days. If the deadline is not met, the total course fee will have to be paid Upon refund, the transfer will take place to the same account the money was paid from and within a reasonable time from the date of cancellation. If there have been expenses for travel and accommodation that cannot be refunded, LH will not be responsible for this.

3. 3. Guarantees

Any guarantees that are given in connection with the purchase of one or more of our services can only be used if the conditions for the guarantee are met and that it is given a written notice to us no later than the guarantee expires. If you want to use any agreed guarantee, we ask you to document that you have completed and complied with your part of the agreement.

When using a guarantee, users may risk that all access to the course portal and related services and materials cease if the user is refunded the course amount.

4. 4. Card payment

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Vipps and Stripe for purchase / ordering of our services. All transactions are encrypted via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and are 100% secure. . If agreed amounts / withdrawals are not authorized and payment is not made, an invoice will be created.

5. 5. Installment and installment arrangement

A purchase that is made with an installment arrangement, either in writing or orally, is to be considered as binding and must be paid in full within the deadline. . If installments are not paid in within the agreed time, the outstanding amount will be forwarded to invoicing and collection / debt collection.

6. 6. Requirements for user

If you are under the age of eighteen (18) years, you must have permission from a guardian to order services from LH.

You must have a BankID to be able to carry out private consultation via LH’s patient system. LH’s patient system is intended for personal use, and you are yourself responsible for keeping login information to the patient system or other associated systems secret

You are responsible for ensuring that the information you have provided on your personal account(s) linked to the service, at all times are correct and updated.

To be able to attend a video consultation, you must have access to the internet and sufficient capacity on the line that transfers communication in the network. If not, you may experience poor quality of sound and image during the video consultation, or that the consultation cannot be carried out. If the line is broken, or it is difficult to conduct a video consultation, the consultation can be carried out by phone if this is feasible regarding the user and the user’s situation, and that the user also wants this.

7. 7. Copyright

Users of the service do not get any ownership of any intellectual property rights in the service or the content you have access to. Unless specifically stated in these terms, these terms will not transfer or license intellectual property rights from LH to the user. This applies to technology, website or software, including, but not limited to, design, data programs, descriptions, source codes, user interfaces, modifications and trade secrets related to LH.

It is strictly prohibited to copy, distribute, publish or modify any material found on LH’s websites, subpages and portals. However, you can download and/or print one copy of course material for personal, non-commercial use, provided that all copyright and other property rights belong to LH in full.

8. 8. Limitation of liability

By purchasing consultations, courses, you agree that you use LH’s services at your own risk, and that you understand that LH is an advisory and information service. You release LH and its employees from liability for any damage that may occur and for any claims that may arise in connection with consultations. You accept any risks, predictable or unpredictable.

LH fraskriver seg alle økonomiske krav knyttet til enkeltstående konsultasjoner, nettsiden, videoer eller annet innhold, så langt dette er tillat ved lov. By purchasing consultations or courses via LH’s services, you accept and agree that you are fully responsible for your progress and results from guidance and/or participation in courses.

LH assumes no responsibility for any form of misuse of an LH affiliated account (e.g. logging into patient system) or any form of damage that occurs as a result of such misuse. You agree that you will use the service in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

You agree not to provide inaccurate, misleading or incorrect information in connection with your use of the service. If the information you have provided us over time becomes inaccurate, misleading or incorrect, you must immediately notify us of the changes.

9. 9. Cancellation and postponement

LH reserves the right to cancel or postpone the course as a result of reasons that are beyond LH’s control.

If LH is prevented from delivering or making mandatory redelivery – or becomes such delivery obligation unreasonably burdensome as a result of events of unusual, unforeseen character, LH is exempt from all liability except for complaints cases within agreed deadlines where LH refunds the relevant amount.

10. 10. No public defamation

You agree that you will not engage in any conduct or communication with a third party, social media, public or private, that will lead to public defamation of LH.

11. 11. The agreement

This agreement cannot be transferred by any of the parties.

12. 12. Changes

From time to time, we will / may change the terms. We therefore recommend that you regularly check the terms. If there are significant changes to the terms, we will inform you of this and ask you to approve them again. . If you continue to use the service, you agree to any such change. If you have any questions regarding these terms or our privacy policy, please contact us at

13. Choice of law and dispute resolution

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Norwegian law.

If the dispute is not resolved first by negotiations between the parties, a disagreement or dispute in connection with this agreement may be sent to the conciliation board or the court.

14. 14. Contact

If you have inquiries, complaints or for other reasons wish to contact LH, direct an e-mail to

LH’s address is:

Lauvlibakken 64
2770 Jaren 931 996 215.

Last updated on the 5. of February 2024